FOODI INFO DAY and an Expert Workshop on “Smart and Innovative Processing Towards a Safe and Sustainable Food System”

AIT Food Innovation, Nutrition, and, Health FINH, and AIT Food Engineering and Bio-process Technology – FEBTAsian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand in collaboration with consortium partners from Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Greece, Ireland, and Italy is organizing FOODI INFO DAY and an Expert Workshop on “Smart and Innovative Processing Towards a Safe and Sustainable Food System” during 29 June – 1 July 2022 at Novotel Future Park Hotel, Rangsit, Thailand.The consortium meeting will be held on June 29th. While the workshop is organized under the framework of the Project FOODI (MSc Course in Food processing and Innovation-FOODI”- A Capacity building project approved in the European Framework of higher education)(Ref. No. 598987-EPP-1-2018-1-MY-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) and financed by EACEA under the ERASMUS Plus Program.

May be an image of food and text that says 'Co-fundedbylhe theEuropeanUnion foodi FOODIInfo Day and Expert Workshop AIT Smart and Innovative Processing Towards a Safe and Sustainable Food System 29th June-1st July 2022 Organized by Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Bangkok, Thailand UTM Venue Novotel, Future Park, Rangsit, Thailand UNIVERSITI MALAYA KUN CO-ORGANIZERS Convenor Professor Anil Kumar Anal Food Innovation, Nutrition, and I Health (FINH) AEGEAN METROPOLITAN ReadLab'