International Workshop on the topic “Revolutionizing Food: Alternative Proteins and Innovative Processing Techniques”

Pleased to inform that we, Asian Institute of Technology in collaboration with MTEC, NSTDA and Protanica going to organize a one-day International Workahop on the topic “Revolutionizing Food: Alternative Proteins and Innovative Processing Techniques” on 22 March 2024. THe workshop will highlights on various resources of Alrernative Proteins, their inclusion in food sysytems, safety, bioavailability etc via keynote speech, plenary speech, students’ presentations, industry-academia collaborations and outputs etcDo not miss. The students, industry professionals and young researchers are encouraged to joinPlease feel free to send me message via email ( and phone/ LINE/whatsapp (+66829632277)You can also click on the QR code provided on this poster. Here is the link for your participation:

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