
  1. International Cleaner Production Training Consultant to train the staff of Department of Industry and Trade and Industrial Promotion Centers, Vietnam, Embassy of Denmark, Vietnam, September- October, 2010.
  2. International Senior Training Consultant – Solid Waste Management – UN- HABITAT – for Banda Ache and North Sumatra, Indonesia, 3 weeks in July, 2010.
  3. UNDIO Consultant to Sri Lanka – National Cleaner Production Centre, to develop a Training Program on Curriculum Development in Cleaner Production for the National Universities, 5-9 June, 2006, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  4. Cleaner Production Expert for UNIDO to compile a report on “Role of Academic Institutions in Industrial Chemical Management: Cases of Asean Nation”, December, 2005.
  5. Cleaner Production Centre in Ethiopia through UNIDO to assist them to compile a status report on the existing Multilaterial Environmental Agreements and their link to Cleaner Production. June, 2004.
  6. Environment Assessment Specialist for the World Bank Project on “Environmental and Social Safeguards: Capacity Building Assessment and Strategy for the Mekong Region Countries”, September, 2002.
  7. Waste Management and Cleaner Process Expert for UNIDO, Vienna, Austria, assisting to prepare a report on “Municipal Solid Waste Management in Asia and Africa: A Comparative Analysis” November, 2001.
  8. Cleaner Production Curricula Expert for UNIDO, assisting Vietnam Cleaner Production Centre at Hanoi to incorporate cleaner production into university curriculum, March, 2000.
  9. Preparation of Cleaner Production Technology Fact Sheets for Pulp & Paper Industries, UNEP, January – December, 1998.
  10. Organized a Training Program on “Environmental Appraisal of Industrial Projects for Officers of Sri Lankan Financial Institutions”, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand Funded by KfW & National Development Bank of Sri Lanka, June, 1998.
  11. Preparation of Environmental audit and Toxic Sludge management Plan for THAINOX, Thailand, September 1997 – September, 1998.
  12. Electroplating Sector Cleaner Production Expert Consultant for the “Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development (DANCED) on the project “Promotion of Cleaner Technology in Thai Industry”, TEI, June – December, 1997.
  13. Treatment and Disposal of Mercury Contaminated Waste, TOTAL Exploration Thailand Ltd., January – September, 1997.
  14. Development of Energy Efficient and Environmentally Sound Industrial Technologies in Asia, SAREC-Sida, 1996 – 1997.
  15. Development of Training Resource package on “Cleaner Production in Food Processing Industry” Poultry Slaughter House”, for UNEP working group on Food Processing, 1997.
  16. Organized a Training Program on “Water Supply and Sewerage Master Plan, Part I: Water Supply” for Bhutan Government, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand Funded by DANIDA and Carl Bro Int. – Denmark, April, 1996.
  17. Spent Caustic Recovery Potential using Membrane Technology, Coca-Cola Factory, Bangkok, Thailand, January – August, 1996.
  18. Royal Initiative Project on Water Resources Development for Metropolitan Water Authority, Bangkok, Thailand as Water Quality Expert from May 1995 to April, 1996 (one Man month).
  19. Asian Productivity Organization’s (APO) “Demonstration Factory Project on Identifying Waste Minimization Options” in Bangkok, Thailand, September 1995 to September, 1996.
  20. Organized a Training Program on “Environmental Appraisal of Industrial Projects for Officers of Sri Lankan Financial Institutions”, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand, funded by World Bank & National Development Bank of Sri Lanka, April, 1995.
  21. Waste Auditing in a Ice Cream Factory – Lever Brothers Thailand September 93 – April 94.
  22. Associate Visiting Consultant from October 1993 to March, 1994, for Colombo Metropolitan, Environmental Improvement Program, World Bank Funded Projects.
  23. Waste Auditing in a Small Scale Dyeing Industry and Recovery of Dyes, CDG, May 93 – November, 94.
  24. “Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Joint Wastewater Treatment Plant for Industrial Estate/Industries in Ekala and Ja-Ela” Metropolitan Environmental Improvement Program – World Bank funded Project, Colombo, Sri Lanka 1 man month with Soil & Water Ltd., Finland, December, 1993.
  25. “Strategy Guidelines and Institutional Strengthening for Industrial Pollution Management”, Metropolitan Environmental Improvement Program – World Bank funded Project, Colombo, Sri Lanka 1 man month with ERM London, August, 1993.
  26. Setting-up a Data Bank on “Hazardous Waste Management for Asean and South Asian Countries”, funded by French Agency for Energy & Environment – ADEME, started in September, 1992.
  27. Selection of Appropriate Wastewater Treatment System for a Small village on the Chao Phraya River Bank, funded by UNEP & CIDA, September, 1992.