1. S. Kumar, Lead rural energy contributor, Renewable Energy Global Status Report, REN 21, 2012.
2. S. Kumar, Taking solar energy research to new heights, The Solar Quarterly, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Oct 2008, 49-51.
3. S. Kumar, A portable solar drier for value added food products, Bulletin of Council of Renewable Energy in the Mekong Region, Issue 6, November 1998.
4. S. Kumar (1994), ‘Energy and Communication : Links for sustainable rural development’, Arasaradi Journal of Theological Reflection, Special issue on Communication, Vol III, 2, 75-85.
5. S. Kumar (1993), ‘Biomass fuel and their characteristics : An introduction’, Planters Energy Network Newsletter, 3, 1, 45-51.